
Explore 13 quotes about Imperialism

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Original Citation

Kipling, Rudyard. "The White Man's Burden." The Times, 4 Feb. 1899, I. 1.

Current Citation

Kipling, Rudyard. "The White Man's Burden." Rudyard Kipling: Stories and Poems, edited by Daniel Karlin. Oxford University Press, 2015, I. 1.

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Original Citation

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Du contrat social ou Principes du droit politique [On the Social Contract or Principles of Political Law]. Amsterdam: Marc Michel Rey, 1762, bk. 1, ch. 4.

Current Citation

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. "Of the Social Contract." Of the Social Contract and Other Political Writings, translated by Quintin Hoare. Penguin Classics, 2012, bk. 1, ch. 4.

When the white man turns tyrant it is his own freedom that he destroys.

George Orwell

Shooting an Elephant

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Original Citation

Orwell, George. "Shooting an Elephant." New Writing, no. 2, Autumn 1936.

Current Citation

Orwell, George. "Shooting and Elephant." The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell, vol. 1: An Age Like This 1920-1940. David R. Godine, 2019, no. 88.

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Original Citation

Conrad, Joseph. "Heart of Darkness." Blackwood's Magazine. London and Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, Feb. 1899 - Apr. 1899.

Current Citation

Conrad, Joseph. "Heart of Darkness." Heart of Darkness and Other Tales, edited by Cedric Watts. Oxford University Press, 2008, ch. 1.

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Original Citation

Churchill, Winston. "Anglo-American Unity." 6 Sept. 1943, Sanders Theatre, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. Speech.

Current Citation

Churchill, Winston. "'The gift of a common tongue', 6 September 1943, Harvard, Boston." Never Give In! The Best of Winston Churchill's Speeches. Hyperion, 2005.

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Original Citation

Walpole, Horace. Letter to Horace Mann. 27 March 1772.

Current Citation

Walpole, Horace. "Letter to Horace Mann." Horace Walpole's Correspondence, edited by W. S. Lewis, Warren Hunting Smith, and George Lam. Vol. 23, Yale University Press, 1967.

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Monty Python's Life of Brian. Directed by Terry Jones, Handmade Films/Python (Monty) Pictures, 1979.

Imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism.

Vladimir Lenin

Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism

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Original Citation

Lenin, Vladimir. Империализм как высшая стадия капитализма [Imperialism, the Newest Stage of Capitalism]. Petrograd: Zhizn i Znaniye Publishers, 1917, pt. 7.

Current Citation

Lenin, Vladimir. "Imperialism, the Highest State of Capitalism." Essential Works of Lenin, edited by Henry M. Christman. Dover Publications, 1987, pt. 7.

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Gibbon, Edward. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Vol. 3, London: Strahan & Cadell, 1781, ch. 49.

Current Citation

Gibbon, Edward. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Volumes 1-6. Vol. 3. Everyman's Library, 2010, ch. 49.

We seem, as it were, to have conquered and peopled half the world in a fit of absence of mind.

John Seeley

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Seeley, John. "Tendency in English History." 1881, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, UK. Lecture.

Great Britain has lost an empire and has not yet found a role.

Dean Acheson

Quoted in The Guardian

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Acheson, Dean. "Special Relationship." 6 Dec. 1962, West Point, NY, USA.

The day of small nations has long passed away. The day of Empires has come.

Joseph Chamberlain

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Chamberlain, Joseph. Quoted in The Times. 13 May 1904. Originally spoken during a speech on 12 May 1904, Birmingham, England, UK.

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Ormsby-Gore, David. Quoted in The New York Times. 28 Oct. 1962.