
Explore 6 quotes about Investing

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Buffett, Warren. Letter to Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders. 2001.

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Buffett, Warren. Quoted in "Meet Investing's Newest Stars." Fortune Magazine, 9 Mar. 1992.

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Greenspan, Alan. "The Challenge of Central Banking in a Democratic Society." The Annual Dinner and Francis Boyer Lecture of The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 5 Dec. 1996, Washington, DC, USA.

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Original Citation

Twain, Mark. "Pudd'nhead Wilson." The Century Magazine, Nov. 1893-Oct. 1894.

Current Citation

Twain, Mark. "Pudd'nhead Wilson." Pudd'nHead Wilson and Other Tales, edited by R.D. Gooder. Oxford University Press, 2009.

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Buffett, Warren. "Buy American. I Am." The New York Times, Oct 16, 2008.

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Buffett, Warren. Letter to Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders. c. 1989.