Israel-Palestine conflict

Explore 4 quotes about Israel-Palestine conflict

Peace is much more precious than a piece of land.

Anwar Sadat

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Sadat, Anwar. Interview. New York Times, 9 Mar. 1978.

I'm not going to make any compromise whatsoever.

Ariel Sharon

On relations with the Palestinians.

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Sharon, Ariel. The Sunday Times. 12 Aug. 2001.

We say to you today in a loud and a clear voice: enough of blood and tears. Enough.

Yitzhak Rabin

To the Palestinians, at the signing of the Israel-Palestine Declaration, on September 13, 1993.

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Rabin, Yitzhak. Speech to the Palestinians at the Signing of the Israel-Palestine Declaration. 13 Sept. 1993, Washington, DC, USA.

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Original Citation

Balfour, Arthur James. Memorandum to Lord Curzon. 11 Aug. 1919.

Current Citation

Balfour, Arthur James. Quoted in Dangerous Liaisons: Gender, Nation, and Postcolonial Perspectives, edited by Anne McClintock and Aamir Mufti and Ella Shohat. University of Minnesota Press, 1997.