
Explore 5 quotes about Mornings

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Schopenhauer, Arthur. "Aphorismen zu Lebensweisheit: Varanesen und Maximen [Aphorisms on the Wisdom of Life: Counsels and Maxims]." Parerga und Paralipomena. Vol. 1, Berlin: Druck und Verlag von U. W. Haan, 1851.

Current Citation

Schopenhauer, Arthur. "Aphorisms on the wisdom of life." Parerga and Paralipomena, translated by Sabine Roehr and Christopher Janaway. Vol. 1, Cambridge University Press, 2016.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Hesiod. Ἔργα καὶ Ἡμέραι [Works and Days]. c. 700 BC, l. 579.

Current Citation

Hesiod. "Works and Days." Theogony and Works and Days, translated by M. L. West. Oxford University Press, 2009, l. 579.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Wilder, Thornton. Our Town. 22 Jan. 1938, McCarter Theatre, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, act 1.

Current Citation

Wilder, Thornton. Our Town: A Play in Three Acts. Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2020, act 1.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations. c. 180, bk. 5.

Current Citation

Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations, edited and translated by Martin Hammond. Penguin Classics, 2015, bk. 5.

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Authentication Score 3


Smith, Zadie. "Zadie Smith: By the Book." The New York Times, 20 Nov. 2016.