
Explore 29 quotes about Self-improvement

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Tolstoy, Leo. "Three Methods of Reform." Pamphlets: Translated from the Russian. Free Age Press, 1900.

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Einstein, Albert. "The Death of a Genius." Interviewed by William Miller. Life Magazine, 2 May 1955.

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Thackeray, William Makepeace. Quoted in A Boy I Knew and Four Dogs, written by Laurence Hutton. London: Harper & Brothers, 1898.

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Original Citation

Delacroix, Eugène. Journal entry. 15 Apr. 1823.

Current Citation

Delacroix, Eugène. The Journal of Eugène Delacroix: A Selection, translated by Lucy Norton, edited by Hubert Wellington. Phaidon, 1995.

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Maugham, William Somerset. A Writer's Notebook. Greenwood Press, 1970.

O, we all acknowledge our faults, now; 'its the mode of the day: but the acknowledgement passes for current payment; and therefore we never amend them.

Frances Burney


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Original Citation

Burney, Frances. Camilla. London: T. Payne and T. Cadell Jun. and W. Davies, 1796.

Current Citation

Burney, Frances. Camilla. Oxford University Press, 2009.

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Jung, Carl. The Integration of Personality, translated by Stanley Dell. Farrar & Rinehart, 1939.

To pursue it is to be human, to give it up is to be a beast.


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Original Citation

Xunzi. Xunzi. c. 238 BC.

Current Citation

Xunzi. Xunzi: The Complete Text, translated by Eric L. Hutton. Princeton University Press, 2014, ch. 1.

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Reynolds, Joshua. "Discourse II." 11 Dec. 1769, Royal Academy of Arts, London, England, UK. Lecture.