The forest

Explore 4 quotes about The forest

The groves were God's first temples.

William Cullen Bryant

A Forest Hymn

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Bryant, William Cullen. "A Forest Hymn." United States Literary Gazette, 1824, I. 1.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Romulus. Quoted in Saturae [Satires], written by Horace. c. 35 BC, bk. 1.

Current Citation

Romulus. Quoted in Satires and Epistles, written by Horace, translated by John Davie. Oxford University Press, 2011, bk. 1.

I drank the silence of God from a spring in the woods.

Georg Trakl

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Original Citation

Trakl, Georg. "De profundis." Gedichte. Contumax, 1913.

Current Citation

Trakl, Georg. "De profundis." To the Silenced, translated by Will Stone. Arc Publications, 2005.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Evangeline, A Tale of Acadie. Boston: William D. Ticknor & Co., 1847, prologue.

Current Citation

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. "Evangeline, A Tale of Acadie." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Poems and Other Writings, edited by J. D. McClatchy. Library of America, 2000, prologue.