The sublime

Explore 3 quotes about The sublime

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Bonaparte, Napoleon. Quoted in Histoire de I'Ambassade dans le grand-duche de Varsovie en 1812 [History of the Embassy in the Grand Duchy of Warsaw in 1812], written by M. de Pradt. Paris: Pilet, 1815.

For the sublime and the beautiful and interesting, you don't have to look far away.

Hedda Sterne

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Sterne, Hedda. "Hedda Sterne." Interviewed by Joan Simon. Art in America, Feb. 2007,

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Original Citation

Paine, Thomas. The Age of Reason, Part 2. London: H.D. Symonds, 1795.

Current Citation

Paine, Thomas. "The Age of Reason, Part the Second. Being an Investigation of True and of Fabulous Theology (1795)." Selected Writings of Thomas Paine, edited by Ian Shapiro and Jane E. Calvert. Yale University Press, 2014.