Unfounded beliefs

Explore 4 quotes about Unfounded beliefs

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Russell, Bertrand. "On the Value of Skepticism." Sceptical Essays. George Allen and Unwin Ltd./W. W. Norton & Company, 1928.

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Russell, Bertrand. Marriage and Morals. Allen & Unwin, 1929, ch. 5.

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Original Citation

Hippocrates. The Law. c. 4th century BC, pt. 4.

Current Citation

Hippocrates. "Canon." Hippocratic Writings, translated by J. Chadwick and W. N. Mann, et al. Penguin Classics, 1984.

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Russell, Bertrand. "On the Value of Skepticism." Sceptical Essays. George Allen and Unwin Ltd./W. W. Norton & Company, 1928.