Value of education

Explore 7 quotes about Value of education

For the hand that rocks the cradle
Is the hand that rules the world.

William Ross Wallace

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Wallace, William Ross. What Rules the World. 1865.

Current Citation

Wallace, William Ross. "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle." Poetry for a Lifetime: All-Time Favorite Poems to Delight and Inspire All Ages, edited by Samuel Norfleet Etheredge. MiraVista Press, 1999.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Aristotle. Quoted in Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, written by Diogenes Laertius. c. 240 AD, bk. 5, ch. 1, sect. 18.

Current Citation

Aristotle. Quoted in The Lives of Eminent Philosophers, written by Diogenes Laërtius, translated by Pamela Mensch, edited by James Miller. Oxford University Press, 2018, bk. 5, ch. 1, sect. 18.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Aristotle. Quoted in Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, written by Diogenes Laertius. c. 240 AD, bk. 5, ch. 1, sect. 19.

Current Citation

Aristotle. Quoted in The Lives of Eminent Philosophers, written by Diogenes Laërtius, translated by Pamela Mensch, edited by James Miller. Oxford University Press, 2018, bk. 5, ch. 1, sect. 19.

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Original Citation

Democritus. Tetralogies of Thrasyllus. c. 420 BC, Fr. 180.

Current Citation

Democritus. Quoted in Ancilla to Pre-Socratic Philosophers, written and translated by Kathleen Freeman. Harvard University Press, 1983.

Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.

Edward Everett

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Everett, Edward. "A Good Idea." Salem Gazette, 14 Mar. 1937.

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The Holy Bible, New International Version. International Bible Society, 1978. (Proverbs 4:13).

Let us reform our schools, and we shall find little reform needed in our prisons.

John Ruskin

Unto This Last

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Ruskin, John. "Unto this Last." Cornhill Magazine, Aug. - Dec. 1860.

Current Citation

Ruskin, John. "Unto This Last." The Works of John Ruskin, edited by Edward Tyas Cook and Alexander Wedderburn. Vol. 17, Cambridge University Press, 2010, no. 2.