Any government is free to the people under it where the laws rule and the people are a party to those laws.
Authentication Score 2
Penn, William. Frame of Government. 1682, preface.
Penn, William. Frame of Government. 1682, preface.
Browne, Thomas, Sir. "On Dreams." The Collected Works of Sir Thomas Browne. Norwich: Fletcher and Son, c. 1835.
Browne, Thomas, Sir. "On Dreams." Sir Thomas Browne: The Major Works, edited by C. A. Patrides. Penguin Classics, 1977.
Penn, William. Some Fruits of Solitude in Reflections and Maxims. London: Thomas Northcott, 1693, pt. 1, no. 142.
Browne, Thomas, Sir. Christian Morals. Cambridge: University Press, 1716, pt. 1, sect. 34.
Browne, Thomas, Sir. "Christian Morals (1716)." Thomas Browne: Selected Writings, edited by Kevin Killeen. Oxford University Press, 2018, pt. 1, sec. 34.
Flatman, Thomas. "The Defiance." Poems and Songs. London: Benjamin Tooke, 1674.