Explore 4 quotes from the year 1720

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Original Citation

Swift, Jonathan. Letter to a Young Clergyman Lately Entered into Holy Orders. 9 Jan. 1720.

Current Citation

Swift, Jonathan. "Letter to a Young Clergyman Lately Entered into Holy Orders (1720)." A Modest Proposal and Other Writings, edited by Carole Fabricant. Penguin, 2009.

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Gay, John. "Dione." Poems on Several Occasions. London: J. Roberts, 1720, act 4, sc. 6.

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Gay, John. "Sweet William's Farewell to Black-Eyed Susan." Poems on Several Occasions. London: Jacob Tonson and Bernard Lintot, 1720, I. 27.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Pope, Alexander. Letter to the Bishop of Rochester. 23 Sept. 1720.

Current Citation

Pope, Alexander. "To Atterbury, Sept. 23, 1720." Alexander Pope: Selected Letters, edited by Howard Erksine-Hill. Oxford University Press, 2000, no. 61.