Explore 13 quotes from the year 1793

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Blake, William. "The Argument." The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. c. 1790.

Current Citation

Blake, William. "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell." The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake, edited by David V. Erdman. University of California Press, 2008.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Blake, William. "The Argument." The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. c. 1790.

Current Citation

Blake, William. "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell." The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake, edited by David V. Erdman. University of California Press, 2008.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Blake, William. "The Argument." The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. c. 1790.

Current Citation

Blake, William. "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell." The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake, edited by David V. Erdman. University of California Press, 2008.

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Authentication Score 1

Original Citation

Blake, William. "Proverbs of Hell." The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. c. 1790.

Current Citation

Blake, William. "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell." The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake, edited by David V. Erdman. University of California Press, 2008.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Blake, William. "The Argument." The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. c. 1790.

Current Citation

Blake, William. "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell." The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake, edited by David V. Erdman. University of California Press, 2008.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Blake, William. "The Argument." The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. c. 1790.

Current Citation

Blake, William. "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell." The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake, edited by David V. Erdman. University of California Press, 2008.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Blake, William. "Proverbs of Hell." The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. c. 1790.

Current Citation

Blake, William. "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell." The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake, edited by David V. Erdman. University of California Press, 2008.

Authentication Score 1


Madame Roland. Last words before her execution by guillotine. 8 Nov. 1793, Paris, France.

You should always except the present company.

John O'Keeffe

The London Hermit

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Authentication Score 3


O'Keeffe, John. The London Hermit; or, Rambles in Dorsetshire. 1793, Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London, England, UK, act 1, sc. 2.

One law for the rich, and another for the poor.

Hugh Sempill

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Authentication Score 3


Sempill, Hugh. A Short Address to the Public, on the Practice of Cashiering Military Officers Without a Trial: And a Vindication of the Conduct and Political Opinions of the Author. J. Johnson, 1793.

As your ambassador can see for himself we possess all things. I set no value on objects strange or ingenious, and have no use for your country's manufactures.

Qianlong Emperor

Writing to George III after the first British trade mission had reached Beijing.

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Authentication Score 2


Qianlong. Letter to George III. 1783.

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Godwin, William. An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Political Justice and Its Influence on Modern Morals and Happiness. London: G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1793, bk. 5, ch. 16.

Current Citation

Godwin, William. An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice. Oxford University Press, 2013, bk. 5, ch. 16.

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Authentication Score 0

Original Citation

Adams, John. Letter to Abigail Adams. 19 Dec. 1793.

Current Citation

“John Adams to Abigail Adams, 19 December 1793,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Adams/04-09-02-0278.