
Explore 345 quotes from the 1920s

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Ortega y Gasset, Jose. La deshumanizaciĆ³n del Arte e Ideas sobre la novela [The Dehumanization of Art and Ideas about the Novel]. Revista de Occidente, 1925.

Current Citation

Ortega y Gasset, Jose. "The Dehumanization of Art." The Dehumanization of Art, and Other Essays on Art, Culture, and Literature, translated by Helene Weyl. Princeton University Press, 2019.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Proust, Marcel. Albertine disparue [Albertine Gone]. Paris: Gallimard, 1927.

Current Citation

Proust, Marcel. The Fugitive, edited and translated by Peter Collier. Penguin Classics, 2021.

The average man doesn't want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.

H.L. Mencken

Notes on Democracy

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Mencken, H. L. Notes on Democracy. Alfred A. Knopf, 1926, pt. 3, ch. 1.

A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.

John A. Shedd

Salt from My Attic

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Shedd, John A. Salt from My Attic. Mosher Press, 1928.

Are you lost daddy I asked tenderly.
Shut up he explained.

Ring Lardner

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Lardner, Ring. "The Young Immigrunts." Ring Lardner: Selected Stories. Penguin Classics, 1997. Originally published by The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1920, ch. 10.

Authentication Score 3


Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Dissenting Opinion. United States v. Schwimmer. United States Reports, vol. 279, 27 May 1929, pp. 653-655. Justia, supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/279/644/.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Owen, Wilfred. "Dulce et Decorum Est." Poems by Wilfred Owen. Chatto & Windus, 1920.

Current Citation

Owen, Wilfred. "Dulce et Decorum Est." The War Poems Of Wilfred Owen. Random House UK, 2018.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Mann, Thomas. Der Zauberberg [The Magic Mountain]. S. Fischer Verlag, 1924, ch. 5.

Current Citation

Mann, Thomas. The Magic Mountain. Everyman's Library, 2005, ch. 5.

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Inge, William Ralph. "The Idea of Progress." Romanes Lecture. 27 May 1920, The Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, England, UK. Lecture.

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Original Citation

Hemingway, Ernest. "A Farewell to Arms." Scribner's Magazine, May 1929 - Oct. 1929, bk. 4, ch. 34.

Current Citation

Hemingway, Ernest. A Farewell to Arms. Scribners, 1995, bk. 4, ch. 34.

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Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1925, ch. 4.

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

The United States Constitution. Amend. 19, sec. 1.

Current Citation

"The Constitution of the United States." The Constitution of the United States and The Declaration of Independence. Racehorse, 2016, amend. 19, sec. 1.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Proust, Marcel. Albertine disparue [Albertine Gone]. Paris: Gallimard, 1927.

Current Citation

Proust, Marcel. The Fugitive, edited and translated by Peter Collier. Penguin Classics, 2021.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Lewis, Sinclair. Elmer Gantry. Harcourt Trade Publishers, 1927, ch. 20.

Current Citation

Lewis, Sinclair. Elmer Gantry. Signet, 2007, ch. 20.

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Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf [My Struggle]. Vol. 1, Franz Eher Nachfolger GmbH, 1925, ch. 6.

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Original Citation

Gandhi, Mahatma. Statement made at his trial. The Great Trial of 1922. 23 Mar. 1922, Ahmadabad, India.

Current Citation

Gandhi, Mahatma. The Power of Nonviolent Resistance: Selected Writings, edited by Tridip Suhrud. Penguin Classics, 2019, pt. 1, ch. 9.

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

Aldous Huxley

Proper Studies

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Huxley, Aldous. "A Note on Dogma." Proper Studies. Chatto & Windus, 1927.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Hughes, Langston. "The Negro Speaks of Rivers." The Crisis, June 1921, I. 1.

Current Citation

Hughes, Langston. "The Negro Speaks of Rivers." The Weary Blues. Alfred A. Knopf, 2015, I. 1.

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Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan. "The Function and the Ends of Law." Dec. 1923, Yale University Law School, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA.