
Explore 416 quotes from the 1940s

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Frost, Robert. "Happiness Makes Up in Height for What it Lacks in Length." A Witness Tree. Henry Holt and Company, 1942.

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De Saint-Exupery, Antoine. Le Petit Prince [The Little Prince]. Reynal & Hitchcock, 1943, ch. 1.

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Fitzgerald, F. Scott. "To: Scottie Fitzgerals, October 5, 1940." Scott Fitzgerald: A Life in Letters, edited by Matthew J. Bruccoli. Scribner, 1995. Originally from Letter to Frances Scott Fitzgerald, 5 Oct. 1940.

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Original Citation

Orwell, George. "Looking Back on the Spanish War." New Road, June 1943, pt. 4.

Current Citation

Orwell, George. "Looking Back on the Spanish War." The Collected Essays, Journalism And Letters Of George Orwell, vol. 2: My Country Right or Left 1940-1943, edited by Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus. David R. Godine, 2007, no. 41, pt. 4.

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Nash, Ogden. "The Kitten." The Face Is Familiar: The Selected Verse of Ogden Nash. Garden City Publishing Company, 1941.

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Churchill, Winston. "Give Us The Tools." BBC Radio, London, England, UK, 9 Feb. 1941.

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Original Citation

Brecht, Bertolt. Der gute Mensch von Sezuan [The Good Person of Szechwan]. 1943, Zürich Schauspielhaus, Zürich, Switzerland.

Current Citation

Brecht, Bertolt. The Good Person Of Szechwan, edited by Tom Kuhn and Charlotte Ryland, translated by John Willett. Methuen Drama, 2012.

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Orwell, George. “Freedom of the Park.” Tribune, 7 Dec. 1945.

Current Citation

Orwell, George. "Freedom of the Park." The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell, vol. 4: In Front of Your Nose 1945-1950, edited by Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus. David R. Godine, 1999, no. 11.

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Original Citation

Churchill, Winston. "Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat." House of Commons meeting. 13 May 1940, The Palace of Westminster, London, England, UK. Address.

Current Citation

Churchill, Winston. "Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat." Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat: The Great Speeches, edited by David Cannadine. Penguin Classics, 2007.

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Original Citation

Churchill, Winston. Report on the war. House of Commons meeting. 8 Oct. 1940, London, England, UK. Address.

Current Citation

Churchill, Winston. "'We can take it!' 8 October 1940, House of Commons." Never Give In! The Best of Winston Churchill's Speeches. Hyperion, 2005.

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Original Citation

Sartre, Jean Paul. Le etre et le neant: Essai d'ontologie phenomenologique [Being and Nothingness: An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology]. Librairie Gallimard, 1943, pt. 4, ch. 1.

Current Citation

Sartre, Jean Paul. Being and Nothingness, translated by Sarah Richmond. Washington Square Press, 2021, pt. 4, ch. 1.

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Goering, Hermann. Directive to Reinhard Heydrich. 31 July 1941.

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Original Citation

Orwell, George. "The English Revolution." The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius. Searchlight Books, edited by T. R. Fyvel and George Orwell. Secker & Warburg, 1941, pt. 3, sec. 2.

Current Citation

Orwell, George. "The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius." The Collected Essays, Journalism And Letters Of George Orwell, vol. 2: My Country Right or Left 1940-1943, edited by Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus. David R. Godine, 2007, no. 17, pt. 3, sec. 2.

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The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Directed by John Huston, Warner Bros.-First National, 1948.

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Original Citation

De Gaulle, Charles. Address on the Eve of France's National Day. 13 July 1940. France. Radio address.

Current Citation

De Gaulle, Charles. "July 13, 1940." The Speeches of General de Gaulle. Oxford University Press, 1944.

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Popper, Karl. The Open Society and Its Enemies. Vol. 1, Routledge, 1995, notes to the chapters, ch. 7, note 4.

Sharing food with another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged in lightly.

M.F.K. Fisher

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Fisher, Mary Frances Kennedy. An Alphabet for Gourmets. The Viking Press, 1949.

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

Howell Forgy

Said at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

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Forgy, Howell. Comment to men during the Pearl Harbor attack. 7 Dec. 1941, Pearl Harbor, Oahu, HI, USA.

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Original Citation

Anouilh, Jean. Ardèle ou la Marguerite. Directed by Roland Piétri. 1948, Comédie des Champs-Élysées, Paris, France.

Current Citation

Anouilh, Jean. "Ardele." Jean Anouilh: Five Plays. Vol. 2, Hill & Wang, 1966.

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Dali, Salvador. "Dali." Interviewed by Winthrop Sargeant. Life, September 24, 1945, p. 64.