Writing about music is like dancing about architecture.
Authentication Score 1
Mull, Martin. Quoted in Detroit Free Press. 18 Feb. 1979.
Mull, Martin. Quoted in Detroit Free Press. 18 Feb. 1979.
Quoted in The Evening Press
Broun, Heywood. Spoken during a speech in Ames, Iowa. Jan. 1974, Ames, IA, USA.
Gould, Stephen Jay. "Velikovsky In Collision." Natural History, Mar. 1975.
Friedman, Milton. Quoted in "Facing Inflation: Interview with Milton Friedman." Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs. Routledge, Nov.-Dec. 1973, p. 20.
Williams, Tennessee. "Tennessee Williams: Past and Present." Interviewed by Charles Ruas and Bill Lentch, WBAI-FM New York, 12 Dec. 1975.
Adams, Douglas. "Fit the Fifth." The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Primary Phase. BBC Radio 4, London, England, UK, 5 Apr. 1978.
Adams, Douglas. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Pan Books, 1980, ch. 1.
The cartoon-strip character, Pogo the opossum, looking at litter under a tree. Used as an Earth Day poster in 1971.
Kelly, Walt. "We Have Met the Enemy…" Pogo. 22 Apr. 1970. Poster.
Carter, Jimmy. "The Playboy Interview with Jimmy Carter." Interviewed by Robert Scheer. Playboy Magazine, 1 Nov. 1976.
Strand, Mark. "Untelling the Hour." Acts of Mind: Conversations with Contemporary Poets. University of Alabama Press, 1983. Originally an interview called "Untelling the Hour." Interviewed by Richard Jackson. The Poetry Miscellany, c. 1979.
Silverstein, Shel. "Listen to the Mustn’ts." Where the Sidewalk Ends. Harper & Row, 1974, I. 1.
Adams, Douglas. "Fit the Fifth." The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Primary Phase. BBC Radio 4, London, England, UK, 5 Apr. 1978.
Adams, Douglas. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Pan Books, 1980, ch. 18.
Magritte, Rene. Quoted in Magritte by Suzy Grablik. New York Graphic Society, 1970.
Bach, Richard. Jonathan Livingston Seagull. The Macmillan Company, 1970, pt. 3.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Directed by Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones. Python (Monty) Pictures/Michael White Productions/National Film Trustee Company, 1975.
Aries, Philippe. Western Attitudes Toward Death: From the Middle Ages to the Present. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974.
Also known as Clarke's Third Law.
Clarke, Arthur C. "Clarke's Third Law on UFOs." Science Magazine, 19 Jan. 1968.
Sontag, Susan. "Melancholy Objects." The New York Review of Books, 18 Apr. 1974.
Taxi Driver. Directed by Martin Scorsese, Bill/Phillips Productions/Italo/Judeo Productions, 1976.