
Explore 329 quotes by people from Italy

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Ovid. "To Albinovanus: The Sixth Summer." Epistulae ex Ponto. 1st century CE, bk. 4, no. 10, l. 5.

Current Citation

Oivd. "Ex Ponto." Triste; Ex Ponto, translated by Arthur Leslie Wheeler, edited by G. P. Goold. Harvard University Press, 1988.

Authentication Score 0

Original Citation

Seneca the Younger. Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium [Moral Letters to Lucilius]. c. 65 AD.

Current Citation

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Letters on Ethics, translated by Margaret Graver and A. A. Long. University of Chicago Press, 2017.

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Original Citation

Horace. Carmina [Odes]. 23 BC, bk. 3, no. 30.

Current Citation

Horace. "Odes." The Complete Odes and Epodes, translated by David West. Oxford University Press, 2008, bk, 3, no. 30.

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Original Citation

Boethius. De Consolatione Philosophiae [On the Consolation of Philosophy]. 524, bk. 2, poem 8.

Current Citation

Boethius. The Consolation of Philosophy, translated by Victor Watts. Penguin Classics, 1999, bk. 2, poem 8.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Ovid. Ars Amatoria [The Art of Love]. c. 2 AD, bk. 1.

Current Citation

Ovid. "The Art of Love." The Love Poems, translated by A. D. Melville. Oxford University Press, 2008, bk. 1.

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Original Citation

Juvenal. Satirae [Satires]. c. 127, satire 10.

Current Citation

Juvenal. The Satires, translated by Niall Rudd. Oxford University Press, 2008, satire 10.

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Original Citation

Plautus. Miles Gloriosus. c. 206 BC, Rome, Italy, act 3, sc. 1.

Current Citation

Plautus. Miles Gloriosus, edited by Mason Hammond, Arthur W. Mack, and Walter Moskalew. Harvard University Press, 1997, act 3, sc. 1.

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Original Citation

Galilei, Galileo. Il Saggiatore [The Assayer]. Rome, 1623.

Current Citation

Galilei, Galileo. "The Assayer." Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo. Doubleday & Company, 1957.

As always, victory will have a hundred fathers, but defeat will never be acknowledged by anyone at all.

Galeazzo Ciano

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Ciano, Galeazzo. Diary entry. 9 Sept. 1942.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Leopardi, Giacomo. "Cantico del gallo silvestre [Song of the Wild Rooster]." Operette morali [Small Moral Works]. Naples: Presso Saverio Starita, 1835.

Current Citation

Leopardi, Giacomo. "Song of the Great Wild Rooster." Operette Morali: Essays and Dialogues. University of California Press, 1983.

A life in which the gods are not invited is not worth living. It will be quieter, but there won't be any stories.

Roberto Calasso

The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony

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Calasso, Robert. Le nozze di Cadmo e Armonia [The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmonia]. Adelphi Edizioni, 1988, ch. 12.

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Original Citation

Dante. "Purgatorio [Purgatory]." La Comedia di Dante Alleghieri [The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri]. Foligno: Johann Numeister and Evangelista Angelini da Trevi, 1472.

Current Citation

Dante. "The Purgatorio." The Divine Comedy, edited by David H. Higgins, translated by C. H. Sisson. Oxford University Press, 2008.

Carthage must be destroyed.

Cato the Elder

Quoted in Plutarch's Lives, by Plutarch

Cato ended several of his speeches with this phrase after his visit to Carthage in 152 BC.

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Cato the Elder. Speech within the Roman Senate prior to the Third Punic War. c. 149 BC, Rome, Italy.

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Original Citation

Machiavelli, Niccolò. Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio [Discourses on the First Ten of Titus Livy]. Papal Privilege, 1531, bk. 1, ch. 3

Current Citation

Machiavelli, Niccolo. Discourses on Livy, translated by Julia Conaway Bondanella and Peter Bondanella. Oxford University Press, 2009, bk. 1, ch. 3.

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Mussolini, Benito. "Fascismo [Fascism]: 'Forza e consenso [Strength and Consent].'" Enciclopedia Italiana [Italian Encyclopedia]. 1932.

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Original Citation

Casanova, Giacomo. Aus den Memoiren des Venetianers Jacob Casanova de Seingalt [From the Memoirs of the Venetian Jacob Casanova de Seingalt]. Vol. 1, Leipzig: Brodhaus, 1822, preface.

Current Citation

Casanova, Giacomo. History of My Life, vols. 1-2, translated by Willard R. Trask. Harcourt, Brace & World, 1966.

Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears.

Italo Calvino

Invisible Cities

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Calvino, Italo. Le citta invisibili [Invisible Cities]. Giulio Einaudi, 1972.

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Original Citation

Caesar, Julius. Quoted in De vita Caesarum [About the Life of the Caesars], by Suetonius. 121 AD.

Current Citation

Caesar, Julius. Quoted in "Divus Julius." Lives of the Caesars, written by Suetonius, translated by Robert Graves. Penguin, 2007, sect. 32.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Alighieri, Dante. "Inferno [Hell]." La Comedia di Dante Alleghieri [The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri]. Foligno: Johann Numeister and Evangelista Angelini da Trevi, 1472.

Current Citation

Alighieri, Dante. "Inferno." The Divine Comedy, edited by David H. Higgins, translated by C. H. Sisson. Oxford University Press, 2008.

Authentication Score 1

Original Citation

Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations. c. 180, bk. 10.

Current Citation

Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations, edited and translated by Martin Hammond. Penguin Classics, 2015, bk. 10.