
Explore 150 quotes from the following medium: Newspaper

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Schmich, Mary. "Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young." Chicago Tribune, 1 June 1997.

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Original Citation

Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Raven." New York Evening Mirror, 29 Jan. 1845, st. 17.

Current Citation

Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Raven." Edgar Allen Poe: Poetry and Tales, edited by Patrick Quinn. Library of America, 1984, st. 17.

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Edison, Thomas Alva. Interview. New York World, 17 Nov. 1895.

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Original Citation

Poe, Edgar Allan. "Annabel Lee." New-York Daily Tribune, 9 Oct. 1849, l. 9.

Current Citation

Poe, Edgar Allan. "Annabel Lee." Edgar Allen Poe: Poetry and Tales, edited by Patrick Quinn. Library of America, 1984, l. 9.

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Original Citation

Adams, John. "A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law." Boston Gazette, 30 Sept. 1765.

Current Citation

Adams, John. "A Disseratation on the Canon and Feudal Law." The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States, edited by Charles Francis Adams. Vol. 3, Cambridge University Press, 2011.

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Rushdie, Salman. "The Empire Writes Back with a Vengeance." Times, 3 July 1982.

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Original Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Apology for Printers," The Pennsylvania Gazette, 10 June 1731.

Current Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Apology for Printers." Benjamin Franklin: Silence Dogood, The Busy-Body and Early Writings, edited by J. A. Leo Lemay. Library of America, 2005.

I have got such a bully pulpit!

Theodore Roosevelt

Roosevelt's expressing his view of the presidency.

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Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. The Outlook. 27 Feb. 1909.

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Reagan, Ronald. Interview. Los Angeles Times, 7 Jan. 1970.

A man has every season, while a woman has only the right to spring.

Jane Fonda

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Fonda, Jane. Quoted in Daily Mail. 13 Sept. 1989.

To be an artist means never to avert one's eyes.

Akira Kurosawa

Quoted in The New York Times

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Lyman, Rick. "Akira Kurosawa, Film Director, Is Dead at 88." New York Times, 7 Sept. 1998, Section A, Page 1,

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Original Citation

Dickinson, Emily, [published anonymously]. "Success is Counted Sweetest." Brooklyn Daily Union, 27 April 1864, I. 1.

Current Citation

Dickinson, Emily. "Success is Counted Sweetest." Emily Dickinson’s Poems: As She Preserved Them, edited by Cristanne Miller. Belknap Press, 2016, I. 1.

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Original Citation

Poe, Edgar Allan. "Annabel Lee." New-York Daily Tribune, 9 Oct. 1849, st. 2.

Current Citation

Poe, Edgar Allan. "Annabel Lee." Edgar Allen Poe: Poetry and Tales, edited by Patrick F. Quinn. Library of America, 1984, st. 2.

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Original Citation

Madison, James "Parties." The National Gazette. 23 Jan. 1792.

Current Citation

Madison, James. "Political Essays: Charters and Parties; January 19 and 23, 1792." Selected Writings of James Madison, edited by Ralph Ketcham. Hackett Publishing Company, 2006.

Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.

Edward Everett

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Everett, Edward. "A Good Idea." Salem Gazette, 14 Mar. 1937.

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Smith, Stevie. Observer. 9 Nov. 1969.

All the news that's fit to print.

Adolph S. Ochs

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Ochs, Adolph. "Winning Slogan for the Times on the Web." The New York Times, 25 Oct. 1996,

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France, Anatole. "Une Lettre D'Anatole France." L'Humanite, 18 July 1922.

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Original Citation

Adams, John. "A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law." Boston Gazette, 30 Sept. 1765.

Current Citation

Adams, John. "A Disseratation on the Canon and Feudal Law." The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States, edited by Charles Francis Adams. Vol. 3, Cambridge University Press, 2011.

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Armstrong, Louis. Quoted in "Louis Armstrong, Jazz Trumpeter and Singer, Dies." Written by Alvin Krebs. The New York Times, 7 July 1971.