
Explore 912 quotes by Novelists

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Drabble, Margaret. A Summer Bird-Cage. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1963, ch. 7.

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Original Citation

Trollope, Anthony. "Phineas Finn." St Paul's Magazine, Oct. 1867-May 1868. Monthly serial.

Current Citation

Trollope, Anthony. Phineas Finn. Oxford University Press, 2011, ch. 57.

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Stevenson, Robert Louis. Lay Morals. c. 1872.

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Miller, Henry. "Creative Death." The Wisdom of the Heart. New Directions Books, 1941.

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Forster, E.M. "What I Believe." Two Cheers for Democracy. Hogarth Press, 1951. Originally published in the Nation, 16 July 1938.

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Steinbeck, John. Letter to Adlai Stevenson. 5 Nov. 1959.

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Original Citation

London, Jack. "To Build a Fire." The Youth's Companion, 29 May 1902.

Current Citation

London, Jack. "To Build a Fire." The Call of the Wild and Selected Stories. Signet, 2009.

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Murakami, Haruki. スプートニクの恋人 [Sputnik Sweetheart]. Kodansha, 1999.

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Original Citation

Wallace, David Foster. Commencement address at Kenyon College. Commencement. 21 May 2005, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH, USA.

Current Citation

Wallace, David Foster. This is Water: Some Thoughts, Delivered on a Significant Occasion about Living a Compassionate Life. Little, Brown and Company, 2009.

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Original Citation

Hardy, Thomas. "The Return of the Native." Belgravia, 9 Jan. 1878 - 19 Dec. 1878.

Current Citation

Hardy, Thomas. The Return of the Native, edited by Simon Gatrell. Oxford University Press, 2009.

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Original Citation

Cather, Willa. "The Bohemian Girl." McClure's Magazine, Aug. 1912.

Current Citation

Cather, Willa. "The Bohemian Girl." The Bohemian Girl: Stories. Harper Perennial, 2009.

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Cather, Willa. Willa Cather in Europe: Her Own Story of the First Journey. Alfred A. Knopf, 1956, ch. 13. Originally a notebook entry in Le Lavandou. 10 Sept. 1902.

Look at that sea, girls-all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds.

L.M. Montgomery

Anne of Green Gables

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Original Citation

Montgomery, L. M. Anne of Green Gables. L. C. Page & Co., 1908.

Current Citation

Montgomery, L. M. Anne of Green Gables. Puffin Books, 2014.

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Original Citation

Butler, Samuel. The Way of All Flesh. Grant Richards, 1903, ch. 6.

Current Citation

Butler, Samuel. The Way of All Flesh. Everyman's Library, 1993, ch. 6.

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Original Citation

Mann, Thomas. Der Zauberberg [The Magic Mountain]. S. Fischer Verlag, 1924, ch. 7.

Current Citation

Mann, Thomas. The Magic Mountain. Everyman's Library, 2005, ch. 7.

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Original Citation

Sterne, Laurence. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. Vol. 2, London: Ann Ward, 1760, ch. 19.

Current Citation

Sterne, Laurence. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, edited by Ian Campbell Ross. Oxford University Press, 2009, ch. 19.

No idea is so antiquated that it was not once modern. No idea is so modern that it will not someday be antiquated.

Ellen Glasgow

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Glasgow, Ellen. Address in New York. Modern Language Association meeting. 1936, New York, NY, USA.