
Explore 59 quotes by Theologians

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Niebuhr, Reinhold. Pious and Secular America. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1958.

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Original Citation

Tillich, Paul. "The Courage to Be." 1950-1951, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA. Lecture.

Current Citation

Tillich, Paul. The Courage to Be. Yale University Press, 2014.

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Original Citation

Saint Thomas Aquinus. Summa Theologica. c. 1274, pt. 1-2.

Current Citation

Saint Thomas Aquinus. The Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas, translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Provinc. Christian Classics, 1981, pt. 1-2.

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Original Citation

Augustine. De libero arbitrio voluntatis [On Free Choice of the Will]. c. 389,

Current Citation

Augustine. "On the Free Choice of the Will." Augustine: On the Free Choice of the Will, On Grace and Free Choice, and Other Writings, edited by Peter King. Cambridge University Press, 2010,

Everything I have written seems like straw by comparison with what I have seen and what has been revealed to me.

St. Thomas Aquinas

Said following a mystical experience, after which Tolstoy did no more teaching or writing.

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Original Citation

St. Thomas Aquinus. Reply to Reginald of Piperno. c. 6 Dec. 1273.

Current Citation

St. Thomas Aquinus. Quoted in The Life of Saint Thomas Aquinas: Biographical Documents, written by Kenelm Foster. Longmans, Green and Company/Helicon Press, 1959.

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Tertullian. De Carne Christi [On the Flesh of Christ]. c. 206, sect. 6.

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Tertullian. De Carne Christi [On the Flesh of Christ]. c. 206, sect. 5.

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Original Citation

Luther, Martin. Tischreden [Table Talk]. Eisleben, 1566.

Current Citation

Luther, Martin. The Table Talk of Martin Luther, edited by Thomas S. Kepler. Dover Press, 2005.

The heart is like a viper, hissing, and spitting poison at God.

Jonathan Edwards

Men Naturally God's Enemies

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Original Citation

Edwards, Jonathan. "Men Naturally God's Enemies." Aug. 1736, United States, sect. 1.

Current Citation

Edwards, Jonathan. "Men Naturally God's Enemies." The Works of Jonathan Edwards, edited by Edward Hickman. Vol. 2, Banner of Truth, 1995, sect. 1.

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Abelard, Pierre. O What Their Joy and Their Glory Must Be. c. 1800.

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St. Thomas Aquinas. Collationes in decem praeceptes [Sermons on the Ten Commandments]. c. 1273, prologue.

Alteration though it be from worse to better hath in it inconveniences, and those weighty.

Richard Hooker

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Original Citation

Hooker, Richard. Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. 1593, bk. 4, ch. 14, sect. 1.

Current Citation

Hooker, Richard. The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity In Modern English, edited by Bradford Littlejohn. Vol. 1, The Davenant Press, 2019, bk. 4, ch. 14, sect. 1.

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Niebuhr, Reinhold. "Humour and Faith." Discerning the Signs of the Times: Sermons for Today and Tomorrow. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1946.

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Tillich, Paul. "The Depth of Existence." Sunday services sermon. c. 1965, Union Theological Seminary Chapel, New York, NY, USA.

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Niebuhr, Reinhold. The Irony of American History. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1952, ch. 3.

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Original Citation

Saint Thomas Aquinus. Summa Theologica. c. 1274, pt. 1-2.

Current Citation

Saint Thomas Aquinus. The Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas, translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Provinc. Christian Classics, 1981, pt. 1-2.

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Luther, Martin. Quoted in Symphoniae Iucundae Atque Adeo Breves Quatuor Vocum, written by Georg Rhau. Wittenberg, 1538, preface.

Do not hold as gold all that shines as gold.

Alain de Lille

Liber Parabolarum

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Lille De, Alain. Liber Parabolarum. c. 1202, ch. 3, no. 1.

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Original Citation

Wesley, John. "On Dress." c. 1788. Sermon.

Current Citation

Wesley, John. "On Dress." The Works of the John Wesley, edited by Albert C. Outler. Vol. 3, Abingdon Press, 1986.