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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Aristotle. Ἠθικὰ Νικομάχεια, Ēthika Nikomacheia [Nicomachean Ethics]. c. 322 BC.

Current Citation

Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics, translated by Terence Irwin. Hackett Publishing, 2019, bk. 8.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Aristotle. Ἠθικὰ Νικομάχεια, Ēthika Nikomacheia [Nicomachean Ethics]. c. 322 BC.

Current Citation

Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics, translated by Terence Irwin. Hackett Publishing, 2019, bk. 2.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Twain, Mark. Following the Equator: A Journey Around the World. Hartford: American Publishing Company, 1897, ch. 7.

Current Citation

Twain, Mark. "Following the Equator." Mark Twain: A Tramp Abroad, Following the Equator, Other Travels, edited by Roy Blount Jr. Library of America, 2010, ch. 7.

East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.

Rudyard Kipling

The Ballad of East and West

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Authentication Score 0

Original Citation

Kipling, Rudyard. "The Ballad of East and West." Pioneer, 2 Dec. 1889.

Current Citation

Kipling, Rudyard. "The Ballad of East and West." The Collected Poems of Rudyard Kipling. Wordsworth Editions, 1999.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Blake, William. "The Argument." The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. c. 1790.

Current Citation

Blake, William. "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell." The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake, edited by David V. Erdman. University of California Press, 2008.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Die frohliche Wissenschaft [The Gay Science]. Chemnitz: Ernst Schmeitzner, 1882, bk. 3, no. 261.

Current Citation

Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Joyous Science, translated by R. Kevin Hill. Penguin Classics, 2019, bk. 3, no. 261.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Whitman, Walt. Democratic Vistas. Washington D.C.: J. S. Redfield, 1871.

Current Citation

Whitman, Walt. Democratic Vistas, edited by Ed Folsom. University Of Iowa Press, 2009.

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Authentication Score 1


Saint Cyprian. Letter to Jubaianus. c. 256, sect. 21.

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Authentication Score 2


Frank, Anne. Journal entry. 15 July 1944.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Die frohliche Wissenschaft [The Gay Science]. Chemnitz: Ernst Schmeitzner, 1882, bk. 3, no. 125.

Current Citation

Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Joyous Science, translated by R. Kevin Hill. Penguin Classics, 2019, bk. 3, no. 125.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Lord Byron. Don Juan. London: John Hunt, 1824, canto 15, st. 99.

Current Citation

Lord Byron. "Don Juan." Lord Byron: The Major Works, edited by Jerome J. McGann. Oxford University Press, 2008, canto 15, st. 99.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Ovid. Metamorphōsēs [Metamorphoses]. c. 8 CE, bk. 15, l. 234.

Current Citation

Ovid. Metamorphoses, translated by David Raeburn. Penguin Classics, 2004, bk. 15, l. 234.

Authentication Score 1

Original Citation

Aristotle. Politics. 4th century BC, bk. 4.

Current Citation

Aristotle. Politics, translated by R. F. Stalley and Sir Ernest Barker. Oxford University Press, 2009, bk. 4.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Blake, William. "The Argument." The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. c. 1790.

Current Citation

Blake, William. "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell." The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake, edited by David V. Erdman. University of California Press, 2008.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Twain, Mark. Note to Frank Marshall White. 31 May 1897.

Current Citation

Twain, Mark. Mark Twain: The Complete Interviews, edited by Gary Scharnhorst. University Alabama Press, 2006, ch. 6.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Paine, Thomas. Rights of man. Part the second. London: J. S. Jordan, 1792.

Current Citation

Paine, Thomas. "Rights of Man Part the second." Rights of Man, Common Sense, and Other Political Writings, edited by Mark Philp. Oxford University Press, 2009.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen [Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None]. Chemnitz: Ernst Schmeitzner, 1884, pt. 2.

Current Citation

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Nietzsche: Thus Spoke Zarathustra, edited by Robert Pippin, translated by Adrian Del Caro. Cambridge University Press, 2006, pt. 2.

Authentication Score 3


Whitman, Walt. "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer." Leaves of Grass. New York: Self-published, 1867, I. 1. Originally published in Drum-Taps. New York: Peter Eckler, 1865, I. 1.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Voltaire. Candide, ou l'Optimisme [Candide: or, All for the Best]. Geneva: Gabriel Cramer, 1759, ch. 6.

Current Citation

Voltaire. Candide, edited by Nicholas Cronk. W. W. Norton & Company, 2016, ch. 6.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass. Brooklyn, New York: Self-published, 1855, poem 1.

Current Citation

Whitman, Walt. "Song of Myself." Leaves of Grass and Other Writings. W. W. Norton & Company, 2002, sect. 1, I. 1.