
Explore 117 quotes about Art

Advertising is the greatest art form of the twentieth century.

Marshall McLuhan

Advertising Age

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McLuhan, Marshall. Advertising Aid. 3 Sept. 1976.

The great design of art is to restore the decays that happened to human nature by the fall, by restoring order.

John Dennis

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Dennis, John. The Grounds of Criticism in Poetry. London: Geo. Strahan and Bernard Lintott, 1704, ch. 2.

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.

Thomas Merton

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Merton, Thomas. No Man Is an Island. Clonmore & Reynolds/Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1955.

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Close, Chuck. Quoted in Portraits: Talking with Artists at the Met, the Modern, the Louvre, and Elsewhere. Random House, 1998. Originally spoken during an interview with Michael Kimmelman, 1998.

I don't paint out of responsibility. I paint out of need.

Jim Dine

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Dine, Jim. "Lone Wolf: An Interview with Jim Dine." Interviewed by Ilka Scobie. Artnet, 28 June 2010.

Art is a completed pass. You don't just throw it out into the world-someone has to catch it.

James Turrell

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Turrell, James. "Incredible Lightness: Pace Artist James Turrell Prepares for Superstardom." Interviewed by Julie L. Belcove. Harper's Bazaar, online slideshow, 19 Apr. 2013,

Everybody I have ever known or read about who was really a great artist has worked until they dropped dead.

Arnold Newman

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Newman, Arnold. Interviewed by Alexis Anne Clements. American Suburb X, 20 Oct. 2009,

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Beuys, Joseph. "An Interview with Joseph Beuys." Interviewed by Willoughby Sharp. Artforum, Dec. 1969.

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Prince Albert, Consort. "At the Dinner of the Royal Academy." 3 May 1851, Royal Academy of Arts, London, England, UK.

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Hockney, David. A Bigger Message: Conversations with David Hockney. Thames & Hudson, 2011.

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Cousin, Victor. "Du Vrai, du beau, et du bien." Cours de philosophie. École Normale Supérieure, 1818, Paris, France.

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Whistler, James McNeill. The Gentle Art of Making Enemies. London: William Heinemann, 1890.

I'm using art as a means of changing myself, as a means of breaking out of a category.

Vito Acconci

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Original Citation

Acconci, Vito. Interviewed by Cindy Nemser. c. 1971.

Current Citation

Acconci, Vito. Sexuality: Documents of Contemporary Art, edited by Amelia Jones. Whitechapel Gallery/The MIT Press, 2014.

Throughout the ages, man has conquered tragedy with his ability to create works of art.

Will Barnet

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Barnet, Will. "Interview with Mary Anne Guitar." 22 Famous Painters and Illustrators Tell How They Work. David McKay, 1964, p. 11.

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Coppola, Francis Ford. "Francis Ford Coppola: On Risk, Money, Craft & Collaboration." Interviewed by Ariston Anderson. The Behance Blog, 5 Jan. 2011.

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Original Citation

Da Vinci, Leonard. Tratto della pittura [A Treatise on Painting]. Raffaelo du Fresne, 1651.

Current Citation

Da Vinci, Leonardo. A Treatise on Painting, translated by John Francis Rigaud. Dover Publications, 2005.

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Da Vinci, Leonardo. The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci. c. 1519.

I don't think you can really put a monetary value on a painting.

Jacob Lawrence

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Lawrence, Jacob. Interviewed by Carroll Greene. 26 Oct. 1968, New York City, NY, USA.

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Original Citation

Van Gogh, Vincent. Letter to Theo van Gogh. Nov. 1885.

Current Citation

Van Gogh, Vincent. Dear Theo: The Autobiography of Vincent Van Gogh, edited by Irving Stone and Jean Stone. Plume, 1995.

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Sontag, Susan "Against Interpretation." Against Interpretation. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1966.