
Explore 40 quotes about Capitalism

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Von Mises, Ludwig. Human Action: A Treatise on Economics. Yale University Press, 1949, ch. 15.

The worker is the slave of capitalist society, the female worker is the slave of that slave.

James Connolly

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Connolly, James. Labour in Ireland: Labour in Irish History: the Re-conquest of Ireland. Dublin: Irish Workers' Cooperative Society, 1915.

There is enough in the world for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.

Frank Buchman

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Buchman, Frank. "Moral Re-Armament." 29 May 1938, East Ham Town Hall, London, England, UK.

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Scarface. Directed by Brian De Palma, Universal Pictures, 1983.

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Reagan, Ronald. "Second Inaugural Address." 21 Jan. 1985, United States Capitol rotunda, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

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Ford, Henry. "Ford's Weekly Will Make Its Bow Sunday." New York Tribune, 10 Jan. 1919, p. 6.

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Original Citation

Roosevelt, Franklin D. "Second Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1937, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

Current Citation

Roosevelt, Franklin D. "Second Inaugral Address: Washington, DC, January 20, 1937." Great Speeches, edited by John Grafton. Dover, 1999.

Imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism.

Vladimir Lenin

Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism

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Original Citation

Lenin, Vladimir. Империализм как высшая стадия капитализма [Imperialism, the Newest Stage of Capitalism]. Petrograd: Zhizn i Znaniye Publishers, 1917, pt. 7.

Current Citation

Lenin, Vladimir. "Imperialism, the Highest State of Capitalism." Essential Works of Lenin, edited by Henry M. Christman. Dover Publications, 1987, pt. 7.

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Edison, Thomas Alva. Interview. New York Sun, Feb. 1917.

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Original Citation

Engels, Frederick. Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England [The Condition of the Working Class in England]. Leipzig: Otto Wigand, 1845, ch. 7.

Current Citation

Engels, Frederick. The Condition of the Working Class in England, translated by Mrs. F. Kelley Wischnewetzy, edited by David McLellan. Oxford University Press, 2009, ch. 7.

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Schumpeter, Joseph Alois. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy. Harper & Brothers, 1942, pt. 2, ch. 7.

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Original Citation

Coolidge, Calvin. "The Supports of Civilization." Amherst College Alumni Dinner. 27 Nov. 1920, New York, NY, USA.

Current Citation

Coolidge, Calvin. "The Supports of Civilization." The Price of Freedom: Speeches and Addresses. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1924.

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Original Citation

Keynes, John Maynard. "Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren." The Nation and Athenaeum, 11 and 18 Oct. 1930.

Current Citation

Keynes, John Maynard. "Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren (1930)." The Essential Keynes. Penguin, edited by Robert Skidelsky, 2016.

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Adorno, Theodor. Was bedeutet Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit [The Meaning of Working Through the Past]. 1959.

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Pynchon, Thomas. Gravity's Rainbow. Viking Press, 1973.

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Original Citation

Trollope, Anthony. Can You Forgive Her? 1864-1865. Serial.

Current Citation

Trollope, Anthony. Can You Forgive Her? Penguin Classics, 1975.

Greed is all right... Greed is healthy. You can be greedy and still feel good about yourself.

Ivan F. Boesky

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Boesky, Ivan. Commencement speech. 18 May 1986, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA.

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Ricardo, David. On Protection to Agriculture. London: John Murray, 1822.

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Original Citation

Ricardo, David. On Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. London: John Murray, 1817.

Current Citation

Ricardo, David. The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Dover Publications, 2004.