Explore 6 quotes from the year 1703

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Defoe, Daniel. A Hymn to the Pillory. London: 1703, I. 29.

Music alone with sudden charms can bind
The wand'ring sense, and calm the troubled mind.

William Congreve

Hymn to Harmony

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Congreve, William. A Hymn to Harmony: Written in Honour of St. Cecilia's day, M DCC I. London: Jacob Tonson, 1703.

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Original Citation

Fletcher, Andrew. Letter to the Marquis of Montrose. 1 Dec. 1703.

Current Citation

Fletcher, Andrew. "An Account of Conversation concerning a Right Regulation of Government for the Good of Mankind. In a Letter to the Marquis of Montrose." Andrew Fletcher: Political Works, edited by John Robertson. Cambridge University Press, 1997.

From the first dawn of life unto the grave,
Poor womankind's in every state a slave.

Sarah Egerton

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Egerton, Sarah. "The Emulation." Poems on Several Occasions, Together with a Pastoral. London: J. Nutt, 1703.

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Original Citation

Chudleigh, Mary. "To the Ladies." Poems on Several Occasions. London: Bernard Lintott, 1703, I. 1.

Current Citation

Chudleigh, Mary. "To the Ladies." The Poems and Prose of Mary, Lady Chudleigh. Oxford University Press, 1993, I. 1.

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Original Citation

Chudleigh, Mary. "To the Ladies." Poems on Several Occasions. London: Bernard Lintott, 1703, I. 21.

Current Citation

Chudleigh, Mary. "To the Ladies." The Poems and Prose of Mary, Lady Chudleigh. Oxford University Press, 1993, I. 21.