Authentication Score 3
The Wizard of Oz. Directed by Victor Fleming. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1939.
The Wizard of Oz. Directed by Victor Fleming. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1939.
Beckett, Samuel. Murphy. Routledge, 1938, ch. 1.
Dr. Seuss. The King's Stilts. Random House, 1939.
Auden, W. H. "September 1, 1939." Another Time. Faber and Faber/Random House, 1940. Originally published in The New Republic, 18 Oct. 1939.
Gershwin, Ira. "It Ain't Necessarily So." Porgy and Bess. Composed by George Gershwin. 1935, Colonial Theatre, Boston, MA, USA.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano. Acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. Democratic National Convention. 27 June 1936, Philadelphia Convention Hall and Civic Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Auden, W. H. "September 1, 1939." Another Time. Faber and Faber/Random House, 1940. Originally published in The New Republic, 18 Oct. 1939.
Brecht, Bertolt. Die Mutter. Lebed der Revolutionärin Pelagea Wlassowa aus Twer. [The mother. Life of the Revolutionary Pelagea Vlassova from Tver.] 17 Jan. 1932, omödienhaus am Schiffbauerdamm, Berlin, Germany.
Brecht, Bertolt. The Mother. Grove Press, 1994.
Trotsky, Leon. "Their Morals and Ours." The New International, June 1938.
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Directed by Frank Capra, Columbia Pictures, 1939.
Kaufman, Beatrice. Quoted in "The Post's New Yorker." Written by Leonard Lyons. The Washington Post, 12 May 1937, quote p. 13.
Chandler, Raymond. The Big Sleep. Alfred A. Knopf, 1939, ch. 3.
Mead, Margaret. Sex Temperament in Three Primitive Societies. William Morrow/George Routledge & Sons, 1935, conclusion.
Mead, Margaret. Sex & Temperament in Three Primitive Societies. Harper Perennial, 2001, conculusion.
Harbach, Otto. "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes." Roberta. Composed by Jerome Kern. 1933, New Amsterdam Theatre, New York City, NY, USA.
Jung, Carl. "Problems of Modern Psychology." Modern Man in Search of a Soul, translated by Cary F. Baynes and William Stanley Dell. Kegen Paul, Trenche, Trubner & Co., 1933.
Guthrie, Woody. “I Ain’t a Gonna Kill Nobody.” People’s World, c. 1939.
Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan. United States, Supreme Court. Palko v. Connecticut. United States Reports, vol. 302, 6 Dec. 1937, pp. 319-329. Justia,