
Explore 4622 quotes by people from Europe

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Thales. Quoted in The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, written by Diogenes Laërtius. c. 240 AD, bk. 1, ch. 1.

Current Citation

Thales. Quoted in The Lives of Eminent Philosophers, written by Diogenes Laërtius, translated by Pamela Mensch, edited by James Miller. Oxford University Press, 2018, bk. 1, ch. 1.

All men by nature desire to know.



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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Aristotle. τὰ μετὰ τὰ φυσικά [Those after the physics]. c. 322 BC, bk. 1.

Current Citation

Aristotle. Metaphysics, translated by Hugh Lawson-Tancred. Penguin Classics, 1999, book alpha.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Virgil. Aenē̆is [Aeneid]. 19 BC, bk. 10.

Current Citation

Virgil. The Aeneid, translated by Robert Fagles. Penguin Classics, 2010, bk. 10.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Tolstoy, Leo. Анна Каренина [Anna Karenina]. The Russian Messenger, 1875-1877. Serial.

Current Citation

Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina, translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. Penguin Classics, 2014.

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Authentication Score 2


Orwell, George. Animal Farm: A Fairy Story. Secker and Warburg, 1945, ch. 10.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Descartes, René [published anonymously]. Discours de la Méthode: Pour bien conduire sa raison, et chercher la vérité dans les sciences [Discourse on Method: To Conduct Reason Well, and Seek Truth in the Sciences]. Leiden, 1637, pt. 4.

Current Citation

Descartes, René. Discourse on the Method, translated by Ian Maclean. Oxford University Press, 2008, pt. 4.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Orwell, George. "As I Please." Tribune, 4 Feb. 1944.

Current Citation

Orwell, George. "As I Please." The Collected Essays, Journalism And Letters Of George Orwell, vol. 3: As I Please 1943-1945, edited by Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus. David R. Godine, 2004, no 18.

Because it's there.

George Mallory

Quoted in The New York Times

Upon being asked why he wanted to climb Mount Everest.

Authentication Score 3


Mallory, George. "Climbing Mount Everest is Work for Supermen." New York Times, 18 Mar. 1923.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Sextus Propertius. Elegies. c. 24 BC, bk. 2.

Current Citation

Sextus Propertius. Elegies, edited and translated by G. P. Goold. Harvard University Press, 1990, bk. 2.

Seize the day, put no trust in the morrow!


"Carpe diem", in Latin.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Horace. Carmina [Odes]. 23 BC, bk. 1, no. 11.

Current Citation

Horace. "Odes." The Complete Odes and Epodes, translated by David West. Oxford University Press, 2008, bk. 1, no. 11.

In the country of the blind the one-eyed man is king.


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Authentication Score 1

Original Citation

Erasmus. Collectanea Adagiorum. Paris: Enguilbert de Marnef, 1500.

Current Citation

Erasmus. The Adages of Erasmus, edited by William Barker, translated by Margaret Mann Phillips. University of Toronto Press, 2001.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Shelley, Percy Bysshe. "Ozymandias." The Examiner. London: Leigh Hunt and John Hunt, 11 Jan. 1818, l. 11.

Current Citation

Shelley, Percy Bysshe. "Ozymandias." Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Major Works, edited by Zachary Leader and Michael O'Neill. Oxford University Press, 2009, I. 11.

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Authentication Score 0

Original Citation

Yeats, William Butler. "The Second Coming." The Dial, Nov. 1920.

Current Citation

Yeats, William Butler. "The Second Coming." W. B. Yeats: The Major Works, edited by Edward Larrissy. Oxford University Press, 2008.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Pope, Alexander. "An Essay on Man." London: J. Wilford, 1733, ep. 1, l. 95.

Current Citation

Pope, Alexander. "An Essay on Man." The Major Works, edited by Pat Rogers. Oxford University Press, 2009, ep. 1, l. 95.

Authentication Score 2


Fuller, Thomas. A Pisgah-sight of Palestine and the confines thereof with the history of the Old and New Testament acted thereon. London: John Williams, 1650.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Cowper, William. The Task. London: Joseph Johnson, 1785, bk. 2.

Current Citation

Cowper, William. "The Task." William Cowper: The Task and Selected Other Poems, edited by James Sambrook. Routledge, 2016, bk. 2.

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Congreve, William. The Mourning Bride. 1697, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, England, UK, act 3, sc. 2.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Shakespeare, William. "Hamlet." Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. London: Edward Blount and William and Isaac Jaggard, 1623, act 3, sc. 1.

Current Citation

Shakespeare, William. "Hamlet." The Norton Shakespeare, edited by Stephen Greenblatt, et al., 3rd ed., W. W. Norton & Company, 2015, act 3, sc. 1.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Marx, Karl and Friedrich Engels [published anonymously]. Manifest der kommunistischen Partei [Manifesto of the Communist Party]. London: Gedruckt in der Office der Bildungs-Gesellschaft für Arbeiter, 1848.

Current Citation

Marx, Karl and Friedrich Engels. The Communist Manifesto, translated by Samuel Moore and Friedrich Engels. Penguin Classics, 2002.

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Authentication Score 1

Original Citation

Aristotle. Politics. 4th century BC, bk. 1.

Current Citation

Aristotle. Politics, translated by R. F. Stalley and Sir Ernest Barker. Oxford University Press, 2009, bk. 1.