Political literature

Explore 466 quotes from the following genre: Political literature

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Popper, Karl. The Open Society and Its Enemies. Vol. 2, Routledge, 1995, ch. 25.

Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of patriots.

Barbara Ehrenreich

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Ehrenreich, Barbara. "Family Values." The Worst Years of Our Lives: Irreverent Notes from a Decade of Greed. HarperCollins, 1991.

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Bagehot, Walter. "The Cabinet." The English Constitution. London: Chapman and Hall, 1867. Originally published in The Fortnightly Review, 15 May 1865 - 1 Jan. 1867.

Never lose your temper with the Press or the public is a major rule of political life.

Christabel Pankhurst

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Pankhurst, Christabel. Unshackled: The Story of how We Won the Vote. Hutchinson, 1959, ch. 5.

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Mailer, Norman. The Presidential Papers. Bantam Books, 1964, preface.

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Original Citation

Priestley, Joseph. An Essay on the First Principles of Government. London: J. Dodsley, 1768.

Current Citation

Priestley, Joseph. "An Essay on the First Principles of Government." Priestley: Political Writings. Cambridge University Press, 1993.

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Original Citation

Balfour, Arthur James. Memorandum to Lord Curzon. 11 Aug. 1919.

Current Citation

Balfour, Arthur James. Quoted in Dangerous Liaisons: Gender, Nation, and Postcolonial Perspectives, edited by Anne McClintock and Aamir Mufti and Ella Shohat. University of Minnesota Press, 1997.

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Junius. Letter to the Printer of the Public Advertiser. 8 Aug. 1769.

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Mason, George. Virginia Bill of Rights. 12 June 1776, article 1.

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Young, Whitney Moore, Jr. Beyond Racism: Building an Open Society. McGraw-Hill, 1969, ch. 4.

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White, Theodore H. The Making of the President 1960. Atheneum Publishers, 1961, ch. 15.

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Berlin, Isaiah. Four Essays on Liberty. Oxford University Press, 1969, introduction.

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Kennan, George Frost [published as "X"]. "The Sources of Soviet Conduct." Foreign Affairs, July 1947.

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Balfour, Arthur James. Letter to Lord Rothschild. 2 Nov. 1917.

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Willkie, Wendell Lewis. One World. Simon & Schuster, 1943, ch. 13.

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Berton, Pierre. The Smug Minority. McLelland & Stewart, 1968.

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Alvarez, Luis Walter. Quoted in The Politics of Pure Science, written by Daniel S. Greenberg. New American Library, 1967.

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Original Citation

Godwin, William. An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Political Justice and Its Influence on Modern Morals and Happiness. London: G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1793, bk. 5, ch. 16.

Current Citation

Godwin, William. An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice. Oxford University Press, 2013, bk. 5, ch. 16.

The treatment of the Negro is America's greatest and most conspicuous scandal.

Gunnar Myrdal

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Myrdal, Gunnar. An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy. Vol. 2, Harper & Brothers, 1944, ch. 45, sect. 9.

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Oakeshott, Michael. "On Being Conservative. " Rationalism in Politics and Other Essays. Methuen, 1962.