
Explore 7518 quotes originally in English

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Warner, Charles Dudley. My Summer in a Garden. Boston: James R Osgood, 1870, fifteenth week.

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Disraeli, Benjamin. Speech in London. 9 Nov. 1877, Mansion House, London, England, UK.

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Original Citation

Bacon, Francis "Of Gardens." Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall. London: John Haviland, 1625.

Current Citation

Bacon, Francis. "Essays, or Counsels, Civil and Moral (1625): Of Gardens." Francis Bacon: The Major Works, edited by Brian Vickers. Oxford University Press, 2008.

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Trainspotting. Directed by Danny Boyle, Channel Four Films/Figment Films/Noel Gay Motion Picture Company, 1996.

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Original Citation

Burke, Edmund. "Speech on Conciliation with America." House of Commons. 22 Mar. 1775, Palace of Westminster, Westminster, London, England, UK.

Current Citation

Burke, Edmund. "Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies." The Portable Edmund Burke, edited by Isaac Kramnick. Penguin, 2009.

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Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Dissenting Opinion. Compania de Tabacos de Filipinas v. Collector of Internal Revenue. United States Reports, vol. 275, 21 Nov. 1927, pp. 99-101. Justia, supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/275/87/.

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To Kill a Mockingbird. Directed by Robert Mulligan, Brentwood Productions, 1962.

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Herbert, Frank. Chapterhouse: Dune. Putnam, 1985.

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Eliot, T. S. The Family Reunion. Performed by Michael Redgrave, Helen Haye, and Catherine Lacey. 1939, Westminster Theatre, London, England, UK, pt. 2, sc. 3.

There it is, ladies and gentlemen, the Bronx is burning.

Howard Cosell

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Original Citation

Cosell, Howard. Reporting a fire during the World Series. World Series. 12 Oct. 1977, Yankee Stadium, Bronx, NY, USA.

Current Citation

Cosell, Howard. Quoted in The Bronx is Burning: 1977, Baseball, Politics, and the Battle for the Soul of a City, written by Jonathan Mahler. Picador, 2007, ch. 64.

The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.

Wilfred Owen

Dulce et Decorum Est

A Latin phrase, originally from Horace's Odes, meaning "it is sweet and fitting to die for the homeland."

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Original Citation

Owen, Wilfred. "Dulce et Decorum Est." Poems by Wilfred Owen. Chatto & Windus, 1920.

Current Citation

Owen, Wilfred. "Dulce et Decorum Est." The War Poems Of Wilfred Owen. Random House UK, 2018.

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"The Implant." Seinfeld, written by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld and Peter Mehlman, directed by Tom Cherones, season 4, episode 19, Shapiro/West Productions and Castle Rock Entertainment, 1993.

The heart of another is a dark forest, always, no matter how close it has been to one’s own.

Willa Cather

The Professor's House

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Cather, Willa. The Professor's House. Alfred A. Knopf, 1925, bk. 1, ch. 8.

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Pinocchio. Directed by Ben Sharpsteen and Hamilton Luske, Walt Disney Productions, 1940.

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Original Citation

Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Raven." New York Evening Mirror, 29 Jan. 1845, st. 1.

Current Citation

Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Raven." Edgar Allan Poe: Poetry and Tales, edited by Patrick F. Quinn. Library of America, 1984, st. 1.

Segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever!

George Wallace

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Wallace, George. "Inaugural Speech." 14 Jan. 1963, Alabama State Capitol, Montgomery, AL, USA.

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Tutu, Desmond. The Today Show, NBC, 9 Jan. 1985.

Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.

Roger Miller

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Miller, Roger. Roger Miller and His Friends. ABC, 1 Jan. 1973.

We had found the secret of life!

Francis Crick

On the discovery of the structure of DNA in 1953.

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Crick, Frances. Quoted in The Double Helix, by James D. Watson. Atheneum Press/Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1968, ch. 26.

Truth is the first casualty in war.

Ethel Snowden

Women and War

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Snowden, Ethel. "Women and War." Journal of Proceedings and Addresses of the National Education Association. 1915.