Authentication Score 3
Johnson, Lyndon B. "Second Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1965, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.
National leader
Johnson, Lyndon B. "Second Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1965, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.
Buchanan, James. "Inaugural Address." 4 Mar. 1857, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.
Carter, James E. "Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1977, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.
Adams, John. "A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law." Boston Gazette, 30 Sept. 1765.
Adams, John. "A Disseratation on the Canon and Feudal Law." The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States, edited by Charles Francis Adams. Vol. 3, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Nixon, Richard. "First Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1969, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.
Adams, John. Letter to Thomas Jefferson. 13 Nov. 1813.
Adams, John. "1815: Adams to Jefferson: Quincy, November 13." The Adams-Jefferson Letters, edited by Lester J. Cappon. University of North Carolina Press, 1988.
Letter to Abigail Adams, November 2, 1800
Upon moving into the White House.
Adams, John. Letter to Abigail Adams. 2 Nov. 1800.
Adams, John. My Dearest Friend: Letters of Abigail and John Adams, edited by Margaret A. Hogan and C. James Taylor. Belknap Press, 2010.
Monroe, James. Message to Congress about The Monroe Doctrine. Seventh annual message to Congress. 2 Dec. 1823, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.
Eisenhower, Dwight D. "Second Inaugural Address." 21 Jan. 1957, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. Address to the Knights of Columbus. 12 Oct. 1915, Carnegie Hall, New York, NY, USA.
Czar Alexander II of Russia. Speech to Moscow Nobility. 30 Mar. 1856, Moscow, Russia.
Czar Alexander II of Russia. Quoted in A Concise History of Russia, written by Ronald Hingley. Thames & Hudson, 1991.
Nixon, Richard. "First Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1969, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.
Adams, John Quincy. "Inaugural Address." 4 Mar. 1825, House Chamber, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.
Reagan, Ronald. Address to the Republican State Central Committee Convention. Republican State Central Committee Convention. 7 Sept. 1973, USA.
Harrison, William Henry. "Inaugural Address." 4 Mar. 1841, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.
Inaugural Address of Rutherford B. Hayes
Hayes, Rutherford B. "Inaugural Address." 5 Mar. 1877, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. "The New Nationalism." 31 Aug. 1910, Osawatomie, KS, USA.
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. "The New Nationalism." Selected Speeches and Writings of Theodore Roosevelt, edited by Gordon Hutner. Vintage, 2014.
Hoover, Herbert. "Inaugural Address." 4 Mar. 1929, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.
On relations with the Palestinians.
Sharon, Ariel. The Sunday Times. 12 Aug. 2001.
Coolidge, Calvin. "The Supports of Civilization." Amherst College Alumni Dinner. 27 Nov. 1920, New York, NY, USA.
Coolidge, Calvin. "The Supports of Civilization." The Price of Freedom: Speeches and Addresses. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1924.