Duality of man

Explore 13 quotes about Duality of man

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Pascal, Blaise. Pensées [Thoughts]. Paris: Chez G. Desprez, 1670, no. 4.

Current Citation

Pascal, Blaise. "Pensées." Pensées and Other Writings, edited by Anthony Levi, translated by Honor Levi. Oxford University Press, 2008, no. 4.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Jefferson, Thomas. Letter to Jean Nicholas Demeunier. 24 Jan. 1786.

Current Citation

Jefferson, Thomas. The Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Being His Autobiography, Correspondence, Reports, Messages, Addresses, and Other Writings, Official and Private, edited by H. A. Washington. Vol. 9, Cambridge University Press, 2011.

Authentication Score 3


Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr. Архипелаг ГУЛАГ, Arkhipelag GULAG [The Gulag Archipelago: An Experiment in Literary Investigation]. Vol. 1, YMCA-Press, 1973.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "Nous ne Goustons Rien de Pur [That We Taste Nothing Pure]." Essais [Essays]. Paris: Simon Millanges and Jean Richer, 1580.

Current Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "We Can Savour Nothing Pure." The Complete Essays, edited and translated by M. A. Screech. Penguin Classics, 1993.

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Steiner, George. Language and Silence. Faber and Faber, 1967.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

De Cervantes, Miguel. El ingenioso hidalgo don Quixote de la Mancha [The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha]. Madrid: Francisco de Robles, 1605.

Current Citation

De Cervantes, Miguel. Don Quixote, translated and edited by John Rutherford. Penguin Classics, 2003.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Twain, Mark. Following the Equator: A Journey Around the World. Hartford: American Publishing Company, 1897, ch. 66.

Current Citation

Twain, Mark. "Following the Equator." Mark Twain: A Tramp Abroad, Following the Equator, Other Travels, edited by Roy Blount Jr. Library of America, 2010, ch. 66.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Woolf, Virginia. A Room of One's Own. Hogarth Press/Harcourt Brace & Co., 1929, ch. 1.

Current Citation

Woolf, Virginia. A Room of One's Own. Mariner Books, 2005, ch. 1.

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Stevenson, Robert Louis. "Henry Jekyll's Full Statement of the Case." Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1886.

Current Citation

Stevenson, Robert Louis. "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Tales. Oxford University Press, 2008, ch. 10.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Shakespeare, William. Henry the Sixth, Part 2. London: Thomas Millington, 1594, act 3, sc. 1.

Current Citation

Shakespeare, William. "The Second Part of Henry the Sixth." The Norton Shakespeare, edited by Stephen Greenblatt, et al., 3rd ed., W. W. Norton & Company, 2015, act 3, sc. 1.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Burton, Robert. The Anatomy of Melancholy. Oxford: Henry Cripps, 1621, pt. 1.

Current Citation

Burton, Robert. The Anatomy of Melancholy, edited by Holbrook Jackson. New York Review Books, 2001, pt. 1.

I know my soul hath power to know all things,
Yet is she blind and ignorant in all:
I know I'm one of Nature's little kings,
Yet to the least and vilest things am thrall.

Sir John Davies

Of Human Knowledge

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Davies, John, Sir. Nosce Teipsum. 1599, st. 44.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Melville, Herman. Pierre; or, The Ambiguities. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1852, bk. 4, ch. 2.

Current Citation

Melville, Herman. Pierre: Or, The Ambiguities, edited by Robert S. Levine and Cindy Weinstein. W. W. Norton & Company, 2017, bk. 4, ch. 2.