Explore 42 quotes from the year 1580

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "Nous ne Goustons Rien de Pur [That We Taste Nothing Pure]." Essais [Essays]. Paris: Simon Millanges and Jean Richer, 1580.

Current Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "We Can Savour Nothing Pure." The Complete Essays, edited and translated by M. A. Screech. Penguin Classics, 1993.

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Authentication Score 3


Heywood, John. The Proverbs of John Heywood. London: George Bell and Sons, 1874, pt. 1, ch. 2.

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Authentication Score 3


Heywood, John. The Proverbs of John Heywood. London: George Bell and Sons, 1874, pt. 1, ch. 11.

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Authentication Score 3


Heywood, John. The Proverbs of John Heywood. London: George Bell and Sons, 1874, pt. 1, ch. 3.

More information about this quote

Authentication Score 3


Heywood, John. The Proverbs of John Heywood. London: George Bell and Sons, 1874, pt. 1, ch. 2.

More information about this quote

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "Sur des Vers de Virgile [Upon Some Verses of Virgil]." Essais [Essays]. Paris: Simon Millanges and Jean Richer, 1580.

Current Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "On Some Lines of Virgil." The Complete Essays, edited and translated by M. A. Screech. Penguin Classics, 1993.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "Par Divers Moyens On Arrive a Pareille Fin [That Men by Various Means Arrive at the Same End]." Essais [Essays]. Paris: Simon Millanges and Jean Richer, 1580.

Current Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "We Reach the Same End by Discrepant Means." The Complete Essays, edited and translated by M. A. Screech. Penguin Classics, 1993.

More information about this quote

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "De l'Experience [Of Experience]." Essais [Essays]. Paris: Simon Millanges and Jean Richer, 1580.

Current Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "On Experience." The Complete Essays, edited and translated by M. A. Screech. Penguin Classics, 1993.

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Authentication Score 3


Heywood, John. The Proverbs of John Heywood. London: George Bell and Sons, 1874, pt. 1, ch. 3.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "De l'Experience [Of Experience]." Essais [Essays]. Paris: Simon Millanges and Jean Richer, 1580.

Current Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "On Experience." The Complete Essays, edited and translated by M. A. Screech. Penguin Classics, 1993.

More information about this quote

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "De La Cruaute [Of Cruelty]." Essais [Essays]. Paris: Simon Millanges and Jean Richer, 1580.

Current Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "On Cruelty." The Complete Essays, edited and translated by M. A. Screech. Penguin Classics, 1993.

More information about this quote

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "Du Repentir [Of Repentance]." Essais [Essays]. Paris: Simon Millanges and Jean Richer, 1580.

Current Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "On Repenting." The Complete Essays, edited and translated by M. A. Screech. Penguin Classics, 1993.

More information about this quote

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "Que Philosopher C'Est Apprendre a Mourir [That to Study Philosophy is to Learn to Die]." Essais [Essays]. Paris: Simon Millanges and Jean Richer, 1580.

Current Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "To Philosophize is to Learn How to Die." The Complete Essays, edited and translated by M. A. Screech. Penguin Classics, 1993.

More information about this quote

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "De La Solitude [Of Solitude]." Essais [Essays]. Paris: Simon Millanges and Jean Richer, 1580.

Current Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "Of Solitude." The Complete Essays, edited and translated by M. A. Screech. Penguin Classics, 1993.

More information about this quote

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "Des Cannibales [Of Cannibals]." Essais [Essays]. Paris: Simon Millanges and Jean Richer, 1580.

Current Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "On the Cannibals." The Complete Essays, edited and translated by M. A. Screech. Penguin Classics, 1993.

More information about this quote

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "De La Cruaute [Of Cruelty]." Essais [Essays]. Paris: Simon Millanges and Jean Richer, 1580.

Current Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "On Cruelty." The Complete Essays, edited and translated by M. A. Screech. Penguin Classics, 1993.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "De la Coustume et de ne Changer Aisement une Loy Receue [Of Custom; We Should No Easily Change a Law Received]." Essais [Essays]. Paris: Simon Millanges and Jean Richer, 1580.

Current Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "On Habit: and On Never Easily Changing a Traditional Law." The Complete Essays, edited and translated by M. A. Screech. Penguin Classics, 1993.

More information about this quote

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "De la Ressemblance des Enfants aux Peres [Of the Resemblance of Children to Their Fathers]." Essais [Essays]. Paris: Simon Millanges and Jean Richer, 1580.

Current Citation

De Montaigne, Michel. "On the Resemblance of Children to Their Fathers." The Complete Essays, edited and translated by M. A. Screech. Penguin Classics, 1993.

More information about this quote

Authentication Score 3


Heywood, John. The Proverbs of John Heywood. London: George Bell and Sons, 1874, pt. 2, ch. 5.

More information about this quote

Authentication Score 3


Heywood, John. The Proverbs of John Heywood. London: George Bell and Sons, 1874, pt. 2, ch. 4.