
Explore 92 quotes about Marriage

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Original Citation

Plutarch. "Aemilius Paulus." Βίοι Παράλληλοι [Parallel Lives]. c. 2nd century.

Current Citation

Plutarch. "Aemilius." Roman Lives: A Selection of Eight Roman Lives, translated by Robin Waterfield. Oxford University Press, 2009.

Thou shalt not commit adultery.


Exodus 20:14

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The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Exodus 20:14).

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Original Citation

Mill, John Stuart. The Subjection of Women. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1869, ch. 2.

Current Citation

Mill, John Stuart. "The Subjection of Women." On Liberty, Utilitarianism and Other Essays, edited by Mark Philp and Frederick Rosen. Oxford University Press, 2015, ch. 2.

Every man's ready for marriage when the right girl comes along.

Rear Window

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Rear Window. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock, Patron Inc., 1954.

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Last Tango in Paris. Directed by Bernardo Bertolucci, Produzioni Europee Associati (PEA)/Les Productions Artistes Associes, 1972.

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Original Citation

Lord Byron. Don Juan. London: John Murray, 1821, canto 3, st. 5.

Current Citation

Lord Byron. "Don Juan." Lord Byron: The Major Works, edited by Jerome J. McGann. Oxford University Press, 2008, canto 3, st. 5.

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Original Citation

Wilde, Oscar. An Ideal Husband. 1895, Haymarket Theatre, London, England, UK, act 4.

Current Citation

Wilde, Oscar. "An Ideal Husband." Oscar Wilde: The Major Works, edited by Isobel Murray. Oxford University Press, 2008, act 4.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Mill, John Stuart. The Subjection of Women. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1869, ch. 4.

Current Citation

Mill, John Stuart. "The Subjection of Women." On Liberty, Utilitarianism and Other Essays, edited by Mark Philp and Frederick Rosen. Oxford University Press, 2015, ch. 4.

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Original Citation

Shakespeare, William. Henry the Sixth, Part 3. London: Thomas Millington, 1595, act 4, sc. 1.

Current Citation

Shakespeare, William. "The Third Part of Henry the Sixth." The Norton Shakespeare, edited by Stephen Greenblatt, et al., 3rd ed., W. W. Norton & Company, 2015, act 4, sc. 1.

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Original Citation

Casanova, Giacomo. Histoire de ma vie [History of My Life]. Paris, c. 1838.

Current Citation

Casanova, Giacomo. History of My Life, vols. 9 & 10, translated by Willard R. Trask. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.

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Original Citation

Bacon, Francis "Of Marriage and Single Life." Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall. London: John Haviland, 1625.

Current Citation

Bacon, Francis. "Essays, or Counsels, Civil and Moral (1625): Of Marriage and Single Life." Francis Bacon: The Major Works, edited by Brian Vickers. Oxford University Press, 2008.

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Anonymous woman quoted in Fear of Flying, written by Erica Jong. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1973.

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Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Directed by John Hughes, Hughes Entertainment, 1987.

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Original Citation

Congreve, William. The Old Bachelor. United Company, 1693, Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London, England, UK, act 5, sc. 10.

Current Citation

Congreve, William. "The Old Bachelor." The Way of the World and Other Plays, edited by Eric S. Rump. Penguin Classics, 2006, act 5, sc. 10.

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Stevenson, Robert Louis. "Virginibus Puerisque." The Cornhill Magazine, vol. 34, 1876, p. 176.

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The Book of Common Prayer (American). Episcopal Church, 1928.

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Ward, Artemus. "Brigham Young's Palace." 1869, Egyptian Hall, London, UK. Lecture.

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Original Citation

Mill, John Stuart. The Subjection of Women. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1869, ch. 4.

Current Citation

Mill, John Stuart. "The Subjection of Women." On Liberty, Utilitarianism and Other Essays, edited by Mark Philp and Frederick Rosen. Oxford University Press, 2015, ch. 4.

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The Book of Common Prayer (American). Episcopal Church, 1928.

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Stanhope, Philip Dormer. Letter to Arthur Charles Stanhope. 12 Oct. 1765.