Authentication Score 3
Publilius Syrus. Sententiae. c. 1st century BC.
Shakespeare, William. Troilus and Cressida. The Lord Chamberlain's Men, c. 1603, The Globe Theatre, London, England, UK, act 3, sc. 2.
Shakespeare, William. "Troilus and Cressida." The Norton Shakespeare, edited by Stephen Greenblatt, et al., 3rd ed., W. W. Norton & Company, 2015, act 3, sc. 2.
Martial. Epigrammata [Epigrams]. c. 102 AD, bk. 7, no. 73.
Martial. Epigrams, translated by Gideon Nisbet. Oxford University Press, 2015, bk. 7, no. 73.
Arendt, Hannah. The Origins of Totalitarianism. Schocken Books, 1951, pt. 3, ch. 12, sec. 3.
Orwell, George. Down and Out in Paris and London. Victor Gollancz, 1933, ch. 30.
Pascal, Blaise. Pensées [Thoughts]. Paris: Chez G. Desprez, 1670, no. 139.
Pascal, Blaise. "Pensées." Pensées and Other Writings, edited by Anthony Levi, translated by Honor Levi. Oxford University Press, 2008, no. 139.
Quoted in Theaetetus, by Plato
Socrates. Quoted in Θεαίτητος [Theaetetus], written by Plato. c. 369 BC.
Socrates. Quoted in Theaetetus, written by Plato, translated by John McDowell. Oxford University Press, 2014.
Aristophanes. Ὄρνιθες [Birds]. c. 414, Dionysia, Athens, Greece.
Aristophanes. "Birds." Aristophanes: The Complete Plays, translated by Paul Roche. New American Library/Berkley, 2005.
Blake, William. Quoted in Aphorisms on Man, written by Johann Caspar Lavater. London: J. Johnson, 1788, no. 93, annotation.
Blake, William. "Annotations to Lavater's Aphorisms on Man." The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake. University of California Press, 2008.
Paine, Thomas. The Age of Reason, Part I. London: Joel Barlow, 1794.
Paine, Thomas. "The Age of Reason, Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology (1794)." Selected Writings of Thomas Paine, edited by Ian Shapiro and Jane E. Calvert. Yale University Press, 2014.
Quoted in The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D, by James Boswell
Johnson, Samuel. Quoted in journal entry, written by James Boswell. 26 Oct. 1769.
Johnson, Samuel. Quoted in The Life of Samuel Johnson, written by James Boswell, edited by David Womersley. Penguin Classics, 2008.
Churchill, Winston. "Anglo-American Unity." 6 Sept. 1943, Sanders Theatre, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. Speech.
Churchill, Winston. "'The gift of a common tongue', 6 September 1943, Harvard, Boston." Never Give In! The Best of Winston Churchill's Speeches. Hyperion, 2005.
Quoted in Plutarch's Lives, by Plutarch
Anacharsis. Quoted in "Solon." Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans. c. 120.
Anacharsis. Quoted in "Solon." Greek Lives, written by Plutarch, translated by Robin Waterfield. Oxford University Press, 2009.
Herodotus. Ἱστορίαι [Histories]. c. 430 BC, bk. 9. sect. 16.
Herodotus. The Histories, translated by Robin Waterfield. Oxford University Press, 2008, bk. 9, sect. 16.
Wilde, Oscar. "The Picture of Dorian Gray." Lippincott's Monthly Magazine. Philadelphia, July 1890. ch. 1.
Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray, edited by Robert Mighall. Penguin Classics, 2003, ch. 1.
Milton, John. "To My Lord Fairfax." Letters of State Written by Mr. John Milton. London, 1694, l. 10.
Milton, John. "On the Lord General Fairfax." John Milton: The Major Works, edited by Stephen Orgel and Jonathan Goldberg. Oxford University Press, 2008, I. 10.
Da Vinci, Leonardo. The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci. c. 1883.
Herodotus. Ἱστορίαι [Histories]. c. 430 BC, bk. 1, sect. 87.
Herodotus. The Histories, translated by Robin Waterfield. Oxford University Press, 2008, bk. 1, sect. 87.