
Explore 205 quotes from the following medium: Interview

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Angelou, Maya. Interviewed by Belinda Luscome. Time, 8 Apr. 2013.

I believe more in the scissors than I do in the pencil.

Truman Capote

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Capote, Truman. Conversations with Truman Capote, written by Lawrence Grobel. Dutton, 1985. Originally an interview with Lawrence Grobel, c. 1985.

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Braque, George. Interviewed by John Richardson. New York Graphic Society, 1957.

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Picasso, Pablo. "Conversation avec Picasso." Interviewed by Christian Zervos. Cahiers d'Art, 1935.

Everyone repeats themselves.

Rachel Whiteread

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Whiteread, Rachel. "Rachel Whiteread: 'I Couldn't Say No. It Felt Right to Do This One.'" Interviewed by Rachel Cooke. Guardian, Jul 7, 2012,

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Rauschenberg, Robert. Quoted in Rauschenberg, by Barbara Rose. Vintage Books/Elizabeth Avedon Editions, 1987, p. 85.

I'm only trying to do what I can't do.

Lucian Freud

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Freud, Lucian. Portraits: Talking with Artists at the Met, the Modern, the Louvre and Elsewhere. Interviewed by Michael Kimmelman. Random House, 1998, p. 109.

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Bruguera, Tania. Interviewed by Erik Wenzel. Artslant, May 2013,

I want to make work so people can be moved by a sense of the possible.

Zhang Huan

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Huan, Zheng. "Interview with Zhang Huan." Interviewed by Roselee Goldberg. Pilgrimage to Santiago, 2000.

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Lin, Maya. Interviewed by Rebecca Gross. NEA Arts Magazine, no. 4, 2011,

We have to begin to have a conversation that incorporates a vision of love with a vision of outrage.

Ruby Sales

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Sales, Ruby. "Where Does It Hurt?" Interviewed by Krista Tippett. On Being. WNYC, 15 Sept 2016.

Mankind has probably done more damage to the earth in the 20th century than in all of previous human history.

Jacques Cousteau

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Cousteau, Jacques. "Consumer Society Is the Enemy." Interviewed by Nathan Gardels. New Perspectives Quarterly, 1999.

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Parker, Charlie. Interviewed by Michael Levin and John S. Wilson. Downbeat Magazine, 9 Sept. 1949.

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Original Citation

Einstein, Albert. "Einstein on the Atomic Bomb." Interviewed by Raymond Swing. Atlantic Monthly, Nov. 1945.

Current Citation

Einstein, Albert. Einstein on Politics: His Private Thoughts and Public Stands on Nationalism, Zionism, War, Peace, and the Bomb. Princeton University Press, 2013, ch. 8.

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Friedman, Milton. "Living Within Our Means." Interviewed by Richard D. Heffner. The Open Mind, WPIX, Channel 11, 7 Dec. 1975.

The nice guys are all over there, in seventh place.

Leo Durocher

Remark about the New York Giants baseball team, then in second-to-last place in the League.

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Durocher, Leo. Quoted in New York Journal-American. 7 July 1946. Originally a remark about the New York Giants baseball team, 6 July 1946.

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Pope John Paul II. Quoted in His Holiness: John Paul II and the Hidden History of Our Time, written by Carl Bernstein and Marco Politi. Doubleday, 1996.

I think it's an essential fact for any performer or artist to fail as poignantly as they can succeed.

Nick Cave

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Cave, Nick. Quoted in Bad Seed: The Biography of Nick Cave, written by Ian Johnstone. Little, Brown and Company, 1996.

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Original Citation

Rodin, Auguste. Interviewed by Paul Gsell. La Revenue, 1910.

Current Citation

Rodin, Auguste. Quoted in Art: Conversations with Paul Gsell, written by Paul Gsell. University of California Press, 1984.

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Mantel, Hilary. Quoted in "The Art of Fiction No. 226." Interviewed by Mona Simpson. Paris Review, no. 212, Spring 2015,