United States

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Kennedy, Florynce. "Institutionalized Oppression vs. the Female." Sisterhood is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings From The Women’s Liberation Movement, edited by Robin Morgan. Vintage Books, 1970.

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Hedberg, Mitch. Strategic Grill Locations. 7 Sept. 1999, The Laff Stop Comedy Club, Houston, Texas, USA.

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Jackson, Jesse. Address in San Francisco. Democratic National Convention. 17 July 1984, San Francisco, CA, USA.

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Berlin, Irving. God Bless America. Irving Berlin Inc., 1939.

Winning isn’t everything...It’s the only thing.

Henry R. "Red" Sanders

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Sanders, Henry R. Quoted in L.A. Times. 18 Oct. 1950. Originally spoken to the Quarterback Club. Luncheon. 1948, Tutwiler Hotel, Birmingham, Alabama, USA.

Stand before the people you fear and speak your mind-even if your voice shakes.

Maggie Kuhn

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Kuhn, Maggie. No Stone Unturned: The Life and Times of Maggie Kuhn. Ballantine Books, 1991, ch. 7.

Are you lost daddy I asked tenderly.
Shut up he explained.

Ring Lardner

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Lardner, Ring. "The Young Immigrunts." Ring Lardner: Selected Stories. Penguin Classics, 1997. Originally published by The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1920, ch. 10.

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Lamott, Anne. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions On Writing and Life. Pantheon Books. 1994.

I want a girl just like the girl
That married dear old dad.

William Dillon

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Dillon, William. I Want a Girl (Just Like the Girl That Married Dear Old Dad). Composed by Harry Von Tilzer. Harry Von Tilzer Music Pub. Co., 1911.

What people say behind your back is your standing in the community in which you live.

Edgar W. Howe

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Howe, Edgar W. Country Town Sayings: A Collection of Paragraphs from the Atchison Globe. Crane, 1911.

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Original Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Miscellaneous Observations." Pennsylvania Gazette. 12 Mar. 1732.

Current Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Miscellaneous Observations, 1732." Founders Online, National Archives, founders.archives.gov/documents/Franklin/01-01-02-0091

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Original Citation

James, William. "Pragmatism and Religion." Dec. 1906, Lowell Institute, Boston, MA, USA. Lecture.

Current Citation

James, William. "Pragmatism and Religion." Pragmatism. Dover Publications, 2018.

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Hedberg, Mitch. Strategic Grill Locations. 7 Sept. 1999, The Laff Stop Comedy Club, Houston, Texas, USA.

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Handey, Jack. Quoted in L.A. Times. 18 Jan. 1999.

I am interested in the future because I expect to spend the rest of my life in the future.

Charles F. Kettering

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Kettering, Charles F. Spoken during a luncheon. Joint luncheon held by the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce and the Advertising Club. July 1939, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

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Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Dissenting Opinion. United States v. Schwimmer. United States Reports, vol. 279, 27 May 1929, pp. 653-655. Justia, supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/279/644/.

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Pollitt, Katha. "Stacked Decalogue." The Nation, 4 Sept. 2003.

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Hedberg, Mitch. Strategic Grill Locations. 7 Sept. 1999, The Laff Stop Comedy Club, Houston, Texas, USA.

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Herr, Michael. "Breathing In." Dispatches. Alfred A. Knopf, 1977, pt. 3.